Final Thought

"There can be no fifty-fifty Americanism in this country. There is room here for only 100 per cent Americanism, only for those who are Americans and nothing else." -- Theodore Roosevelt

Location: United States

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Bush Chooses Samuel Alito as Associate Justice to the High Court

Go Scalito Go!

With Harriet Miers out of the way, Bush has blazon a way to fix a longstanding problem with the high court. After the firefight that will soon ensue dissipates, we will be left with a strong, conservative, originalist court that will not legislate from the bench, but will instead interpret the Constitution of the United States, as was the original intent of the framers.

Alito is currently serving on the 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals, and has written over 3300 legal briefs and decisions, a far cry from the 0 that Harriet Miers has written. He has argued in front of the Supreme Court in 13 Cases. Score, Alito 2, Miers 0. Alito was approved by congress unanimously when nominated by George H. Bush. Let's see if it happens again (I am going to put my money on no).

This is a decisive win for the Conservative movement in America. This shows us that our leaders actually do give a damn, and do listen to their constituency, something that the left claims to do, but can not produce a single instance.


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