Final Thought

"There can be no fifty-fifty Americanism in this country. There is room here for only 100 per cent Americanism, only for those who are Americans and nothing else." -- Theodore Roosevelt

Location: United States

Friday, November 18, 2005

God and Money

As if it wasn't bad enough that Michael Newdow had to create a fiction in order to have the words "under God" removed from the Pledge of Allegiance, now he's wetting his pants about the word "God" on our U.S. currency.

Personally, I think Mr. Newdow's conduct is bordering on (if not already completely) pathological. And his campaign to rid all reference of God in our society is the very definition of fascism.

And hell, where's all the whining Leftists crying out for "tolerance" of "diversity"? Last I saw, all mention of God and His commandments has been annihilated from every sector of public life...but the rabid atheists and their anti-American, pro-socialist cohorts keep hammering away, seeking to destroy the very bedrock of this nation.

In my view, if Mr. Newdow and his ilk are so utterly unhappy about living in a nation that has the words "In God We Trust" on its currency, then perhaps they'd be happier commiserating with their like-minded Communist holdovers in the now-defunct Soviet Union. Those folks over there had a hero named "Stalin" who tried to remove every reference of God from society, too.
Take a long hard look at what it got the Russian people. That's what these intolerant anti-faith Leftists have in store for us.

Side Note: Before any Leftist puke out there tries to claim that "In God We Trust" was not printed on U.S. currency prior to the 1950s, I suggest they brush up on the facts of the matter from the U.S. Treasury (you know...the folks involved with the making of the money).


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